Atmospheric Single Drum Dryer
- Highly effective for drying high viscosity liquids or pasty materials
Atmospheric Double Drum Dryer
- Most versatile and widely applied type of drum dryer because of their product versatility, high drying efficiency, low operating cost and long term operational reliability
Vacuum Pan Dryer
- Highly versatile and can be configured to combine a number of process operations in one unit without removing and exposing the product to atmosphere
Vacuum Double Drum Dryer
- Specified when products require uniform low-temperature drying, non-reactive atmosphere drying or complete solvent isolation and recovery drying
Cooling Drum Flaker
- Most compact and efficient method to cool an incoming molten product to a solid flaked product
Vacuum Shelf Dryers
- Specified for products requiring uniform, low-temperature drying with no agitation or compression
Vacuum Rotary/Paddle Dryers
- Provide fast, uniform, low temperature drying of press cake, filter cake, and slurry type materials requiring agitation and recovery of solvents during drying